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When you order today you'll get:

  • 7 deep and step-by-step instruction videos inside of ad accounts spending $1000 - $5000/day on Facebook ads 
  • 7 step-by-step cheatsheets we use to spend $10,000,000 - $15,000,000 per month on Facebook ads with 3X+ ROAS
  • Low budget (<$100/day) and high budget (>$10,000/day) CBO strategies you can use for massive scaling in 2022
  • ​My exact strategies and cheatsheets for testing, optimization and scaling with CBO’s for any ad budget
  • ​​Bonus 1: Eight 'Cheat Codes' - detailed frameworks for boosting your campaigns ROI
  • Bonus 2: Advanced LLA’s formulas for maximum ROAS
  • ​​Bonus 3: 2 multi-million dollar CBO case studies 

"Three $5k days in a row, 2k a day in ad spend, converting at 3.5X ROAS, up from 2X!"

- Ryan Dunbar

"We spend $150,000+ per month on Facebook. With Alex's strategies we have achieved ROI like never before!"

- Matt Marro

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"Three $5k days in a row, 2k a day in ad spend, converting at 3.5X ROAS, up from 2X!"

- Ryan Dunbar

"We spend $150,000+ per month on Facebook. With Alex's strategies we have achieved ROI like never before!"

- Matt Marro

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