Discover How To Legally “Cheat” The Algorithm And Run Successful
Facebook Ads In 2024

Discover How To Legally “Cheat” The Algorithm And Run Successful 
Facebook Ads In 2024

WITHOUT increasing your CPMs or getting your ad account shut down

What Is Facebook Ads Mastery?

Facebook Ads Mastery is a counterintuitive approach to launching and scaling successful Facebook ads, that allows you to scale your eCommerce business without watching your ROAS tank.

We do this with our new “Citadel Scaling” Framework that will help you build a bulletproof scaling foundation so you can scale your ads without skyrocketing your CPMs or getting your ad accounts shut down.

And as a result...this frees you up to actually run a successful eCom business that works for YOU, not you constantly working for it. This is Facebook Ads Mastery.

Facebook Ads Mastery Is A Shortcut

Before I created the Facebook Ads Mastery program - I was constantly struggling with scaling my ads.

I was working 12+ hours a day, staring at my ads manager until my eyes were bloodshot red. And no matter what I tried, I couldn’t scale my ads.

I tried every method you can think of, and what happened? Nothing!

This led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire Facebook ads model upside down, breaking all the rules and finally being able to run successful Facebook ads like clockwork.

Now, you have the opportunity to duplicate my entire “Citadel Scaling” framework I built by getting access to Facebook Ads Mastery for just $27.

See the “Citadel Scaling” framework In Action!

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What You’ll Discover Inside

  • The little-known "Citadel Scaling" framework that allows you to grow your eCom business without watching your CPMs go through the roof.
  • Why 90% of advertisers FAIL at scaling their ads successfully (and what to do instead!)
  • The #1 crucial mistake that 99% of advertisers make that secretly puts their account at risk of getting shut down.
  • How to “prime” your ad account for scale - this makes spending 1k/day, 10k/day, or even 50k/day significantly easier.
  • ABO vs CBO scaling: which is best for scaling your ads for a consistent ROAS? That’s exactly what you’ll discover inside Facebook Ads Mastery.
  • What NEVER to do when creating your Facebook page! Doing this could get your Facebook page shut down in a matter of days!
  • 9 PROVEN ways to scale your successful ads, adsets, and campaigns (these strategies are backed by over $20 million in ROAS positive ad spend)
  • Cut or scale? Steal my 9-page SOP so you’ll never question whether you need to scale or cut your ads based on objective DATA, not feelings.
  • BONUS: 20+ plug-and-play strategies from spending $40 million on Facebook Ads in the last 12 months
  • BONUS: How I spend to 100k/day on Facebook ads successfully WITHOUT seeing my ROAS tank
  • BONUS: The secret to turning one single ad into 100 different variations… in under 60 minutes!
  • BONUS: The little-known “optimization routine” you can use to run ads as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • BONUS: The 3 secret keys to creating high-converting video ads from scratch

Inside Facebook Ads Mastery

Module 1: Starting out

Unlock the essentials of running successful ads on Facebook and discover how to leverage Facebook's ad auction for high ROAS ads. A powerhouse module for transforming beginners into lethal advertisers.

Module 2: Setting everything up

Get a step-by-step walkthrough of building your first Facebook page, setting up the pixel, and optimizing your ad account for maximum ROAS before you even run your first ad.

Module 3: Ad creation

Discover the best practices for creating your first ads inside the Facebook ads manager. Learn how to write high converting copy, source creatives, and plug everything into the ads manager.

Module 4: Launching your first ad

It's time! Follow my bulletproof Facebook ads launch sequence and start spending on your first batch of scalable Facebook ads. 

Module 5: 
Scaling your ads

Here's where it gets fun. Discover exactly how to cut, maintain, and scale your ads for maximum ROAS...consistently! 

Module 6: Retargeting

In this module, you'll learn how to setup high converting retargeting ads to pick up any lost sales from your main ad campaigns.

Module 7: Ad attribution

Data is everything! In this module, I give you my EXACT ad attribution model that helps me be able to read highly accurate data in order to manage my ads. Plus, I show you how to use this attribution model without spending thousands of dollars on an expensive software. 

Free BONUS #1

BONUS: $40 Million Plug & Play Scaling Strategies

Steal these unique copy & paste Facebook ads strategies based on over $40m per year in adspend. These tricks are what I call "ROAS cheat codes" and are a secret ingredient to scaling that most people don't know about.

Free BONUS #2

BONUS: 100k/day Scaling Guide

Now it's time for the big leagues! In this bonus, you'll learn how I've scaled my adspend on Facebook ads up to 100k/day and beyond. Plus, you'll discover the systems and team necessasry to spend at high levels...consistently.

Free BONUS #3

BONUS: Ad Multiplication Blueprint

What if you could turn 1 winning ad into 100 different variations in as little as 60 minutes? Well, that's exactly what you'll discover inside this free bonus!

Free BONUS #4

BONUS: Peak Performance Ad Optimization

Managing successful ads on Facebook comes down to having a good media buying routine. In this module, I'll give you mine that's made me millions.

Free BONUS #5

BONUS: Winning Video Ads Masterclass

Video ads are scalable ads. Only problem is, they're pretty darn hard to crack. In this bonus, I'm show you how to repeatably create high converting video ads to run on FB.

Too Good To Be True?

You tell us. Here are some of the latest wins from our program
Disclaimer: Most people that buy stuff online do nothing with the information. Hence, the results below are not typical of the average client results from Facebook Ads Mastery. We do not guarantee that you will achieve similar results to any examples shown.

Get facebook ads mastery today for just $27!

Facebook Ads Mastery is a counterintuitive approach to launching and scaling successful Facebook ads, that allows you to scale your eCommerce business without watching your ROAS tank.
  • ​Free BONUS #1: $40 Million Plug & Play Scaling Strategies
  • ​FREE BONUS #2: 100k/day Scaling Guide
  • ​FREE BONUS #3: Ad Multiplication Blueprint
  • ​FREE BONUS #4: Peak Performance Ad Optimization
  • ​FREE BONUS #5: Winning Video Ads Masterclass
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We Respect Your Privacy & Information
Facebook Ads Mastery is a counterintuitive approach to launching and scaling successful Facebook ads, that allows you to scale your eCommerce business without watching your ROAS tank.
  • ​Free BONUS #1: $40 Million Plug & Play Scaling Strategies
  • ​FREE BONUS #2: $100k/day Scaling Guide
  • ​FREE BONUS #3: Ad Multiplication Blueprint
  • ​FREE BONUS #4: Peak Performance Ad Optimization
  • ​FREE BONUS #5: Winning Video Ads Masterclass

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a complete beginner. Will I be able to understand and apply the techniques taught in this program?

Absolutely! This course is designed to be an A-To-Z guide on launching and scaling Facebook ads. Whether you haven’t spent a single dollar on ads, or you’re scaling to $100k/day, this can work for you. We start with the basics and gradually move to more advanced concepts. Each module is structured to ensure a comprehensive understanding, regardless of your starting skill level. 

How quickly can I expect to see results from my Facebook ads after taking this course?

Results can vary based on several factors including your product, market, and how closely you follow the course strategies. However, many students begin to see improvements in their ad performance within a few weeks of applying the techniques, and in as little as 7 days. Remember, success in Facebook advertising is about consistent optimization and learning.

How much should I spend on Facebook ads?

We’ll simply teach you the strategies to launch and scale your ad spend on Facebook, but how much you want to spend is up to you and the specifics of your business. Many people want to spend $10,000 per month on ads, whereas other people want to spend over $10,000 per day on ads. Regardless, these strategies will work for either scenario.

Does this course get updated with the latest Facebook ad strategies and algorithms

Yes, we regularly update the course content to reflect the latest changes in Facebook’s algorithms and advertising strategies. We understand that the digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and we ensure our course remains relevant and effective.

What if I try the strategies and they don't work for me? Is there a refund policy?

We stand by the quality of our course and offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you watch at least 50% of the program material and still aren’t happy with your purchase, just send us an email and we’ll refund the full purchase. 

If you have any questions about the product or our refund policy, just send us an email at or call us at +1 786-464-5483
This product is brought to you and copyrighted by Alex Fedotoff & Ecommerce Scaling Secrets, Copyright 2024